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A Note from the Leadership Team
Fundraising is in full swing here at Compass. To continue supporting our students' education, we are hosting a fundraising event, an Online Auction, that will run March 3rd - 17th. This auction is a vital source of funding that allows us to fulfill our mission.
The Online Auction will be one of the highlights of our fundraising this year. We are reaching out to you to see if you might be interested in donating an exciting item or experience.
We’re particularly interested in securing various items such as gift certificates, dinner for two, movie tickets, a weekend away, spa treatments, lift tickets, artwork, and experiences. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Most importantly, you will have the satisfaction of supporting the Compass School that is making a real difference in our community.
We understand your time is valuable. To learn more about our school and discuss this event, please don’t hesitate to contact Hilary. She would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Please contact Hilary no later than February 24th to confirm your auction item donation. But there’s no need to WAIT to make a financial donation! Simply use the button below.
We are trying to connect with Alumni through our social media pages: Please follow and like posts on Facebook and Hilary's new Instagram page. Please send us pictures for "Throwback Thursdays"
The Leadership Team & the Board of Trustees
Help us Secure the School for the 2025/26 School Year!
Donations in any amount help! Please consider donating in honor of an alumni, a current student, or to commend a staff member.
Share your Compass story by:
emailing your written testimonial HERE
filming a short video testimonial on your phone or computer HERE
The Top 5 Reasons I Love Winterm
by Louise Hudson
1- We get to give to the community. Over the years I have been a part of so many fun projects with different community partners. I have made puzzles for the Grafton Nature Museum, shelving for Putney Community Cares, and a Gaga pit for Putney Central school. One year we even worked serving food in Alstead food pantry after a flood.
2- It is a mixed age group. Throughout the school we ask kids to step up and be leaders. This is true for an eighth grader in their classes with a seventh grader who may be struggling. But during lunch and free times kids naturally fall into friend groups. During winterm those groups can be mixed, and similar interests yet different age groups work together. I enjoy the mixing. It is also a mix of staff and adults. I work with teachers I don’t always partner with, and often parents. Parents are such a gift in these projects. Driving or adding to a project you are familiar with is such a community gift.
3- The schedule is more relaxed. We let go of classes all together and are able to focus when needed and take breaks when we can. Letting go is a lovely freedom. The kids are also allowed to be picked up at 2:15. This is not a must- they can do something fun from 2:25-3:15 that we will offer but the projects will close at 2:15.
4- Our founding Director Rick Gordon used to always call these days, “real world learning.” Kids are doing work that could become a profession. It also teaches them the patience one needs to stick with a project and all its parts until completion.
5- We all get to share a different part of ourselves. I don’t always get to do theater, Hanah can show us her woods, and we can have time to focus on different subjects, like fundraising.
Those are my five. I hope your student has a great time the week of February 24-28! We are looking for drivers to take groups off campus. Would you like to run a service activity from 2:15-3:15? Contact Gabe if you are able.
Celebrating Arts Awards
Congratulations Raisa & Elbe!
At Compass we love to celebrate and support artists. We’re thrilled to share that Raisa Wentworth (12th) and Elbe Hubbard (10th) received Scholastic Art and Writing Awards! Raisa’s photograph received a Silver Key Award, and Elbe’s two paintings and illustrations received Honorable Mentions. These will be displayed at the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center from February 14 to March 8. Above is a picture with Raisa on the left and Elbe on the right.
Local Student Scholarship Opportunity
by Benny Holder
The Ludlow Area Rotary Club is seeking applicants for our 2025 scholarship awards We invite your school to encourage eligible students to apply for this scholarship, which provides financial assistance to help them achieve their higher education goals. Graduating seniors who reside within our service area of Ludlow, Plymouth, Cavendish, and Mt. Holly, VT are eligible to apply. Please find attached the scholarship application form and guidelines. The deadline for submission is May 1st, 2025.
If you are interested in applying please email Cara for the contact information and forms to be completed.
For those who live in other areas, make sure to check out your town’s local Rotary Club or similar organizations. You never know when there might be a scholarship for someone like you!
Alternatively, you can check out tips for finding and applying for scholarships at this link!
Digital Production Media Course Opportunity
For many years Compass sent students to the Audio/Video production course at River Valley Technical Center. Lack of transportation has made it a challenge to access these career building courses. Great news! RVTC has launched a Digital Production Media program that is fully online! It's for any student who wants to get into the field of Digital Media.
The River Valley Technical Center is offering an online half day program through their Career Technical Education Model. They will provide you with everything you would need for the class (Computer, Microphones, Camara, Lights, etc). You would be able to do your work from home or Compass! In addition you can get Art, English, and Elective Credits on top of learning more about a potential career you are interested in.
Applications are open for the 2025/26 school year.
Governor’s Institute Applications Open
It’s amazing to think that we are only three months away from the beginning of the summer and applications are opening up for extended learning opportunities during the summer months. The Governor's Institute of Vermont has been supporting students' learning for over 40 years. Applications are open for their eight 2025 programs! Pick from the arts, sciences, or technology based tracks. There is a nominal student’s participation fee families pay, while financial aid through GIV is available to apply towards a sliding scale tuition. The deadline to apply is March 31st, 2025.
UPDATE - No Cookies Tomorrow. Cookie sales will resume on March 6th.
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On the Calendar - Winter 2024
Thursdays: Winter Sports - Dress warm and check the newsletter for ski & ride updates. If you’re going to the mountain, please pack your own food!
School Closing Information - Reminder to check WCAX school closings for delay and closing updates.
February Break 17th - 21st - Enjoy the snow!
Winterm (Winter Service Term) - Feb. 24-28
March 3rd - No School Teacher Inservice Day
March 4th - No Classes - Student Led Conferences - Watch your email for more information from your child’s advisor.
March 5th - First day of Trimester 3