2024 Senior Project Blogs
L-R Jacob, Nova, Tristen, Ilsa, Olivia, Solan, Brendan, Louie Not Pictured: GG, Charlie, & Keeshawn
The Senior Project, a Compass graduation requirement, is a major independent endeavor. It is structured for a senior to explore their interests in a deep and meaningful way. The goals include demonstrating skills and knowledge learned in four years of high school; exploring future career or educational paths; and meeting the challenge of creating and carrying out a personally meaningful project of a depth and scope not previously experienced. The major components of the project include the following:
- A broad essential question and 5-10 related, specific research questions
- Content that is broad in terms of knowledge and skills
- Work that connects to all five of the learning realms
- A research component, with an annotated bibliography
- A real world component (i.e. job shadow; internship; interviews; etc.)
- Working with an outside mentor
- Keeping a blog of the endeavor
- Two weeks of dedicated "fieldwork" time
- A 30 minute oral exam
- An interactive exhibition of the project to the school and community
Follow along each senior’s journey as they update their project blog!
Here are the projects this year's seniors are pursuing:
Louie: Compass ADA Compliance Assessment
Olivia: Mental Health Nursing
GG: Creative Writing Collection
Tristen: Making & Marketing a Board Game
Solan: Exploring Computer Engineering Careers & Making an App
Brendan: Editing a Documentary Studying in Japan
Nova: Trying Different Styles of Photography
Ilsa: Creating a Book of Illustrated Memoir Vignettes
Keeshawn: How to Become a ROBLOX Developer
Charlie: Learning to Weld
Jacob: Building a Motorcycle Shed