The Compass Connector - Special Edition for Feb. 28

Quick Links: School Schedule Weekly Menu Donate Here

Winterm 2025 Re-Cap

We are wrapping up Winterm - a unique week of connection and service to our school and the larger communities.

Learning through real-world experiences is a tenant at Compass. We love learning more about ourselves through service based projects.

Please note: no school for students on Monday 3/3 or Tuesday 3/4. Students return next Wednesday, March 5th for the start of our third trimester.

Expect the Core4Connector in it’s traditional format to return next week.

The following highlights our 2025 Winterm projects and share the experience with you through pictures.

Compass Storytellers

Compass storytellers spread joy among children pre-K through fourth grade at local community schools.

Main Street Arts

Compass students help at Main Street Arts as they prepare for their production of Once in the Time of Trolls. Come see some of our students performing on the stage and working behind the curtain!

Kroka Expeditions

Compass students in nature! This small group spent the week outside doing homesteading activities at Kroka, a wilderness expedition school.

Images of Compass Students at Kroka

Historical Society

Compass student learn a bit of local history while helping the Bellows Falls Historical Society move to its new location on Canal Street!

Image of Compass Students at Historical Society

Online Auction Fundraiser

Students divided and conquered to put together this year’s online auction fundraiser! Some hit the streets asking for and collecting items from business in the surrounding towns. Other got ‘techy’ photographing, cataloging, and creating the site.

The auction goes LIVE on March 3rd at 3pm.

Check out all the goods next week.

QR Code for Compass Fundraiser and Auction

Testimonials & Enrollment

Students came together to collect written and video “What I Love About Compass School” testimonials.

Watch the website for their finished products: a slideshow and a 30 minute video! This small group also contacted all the local schools to organize student visits as they look to choose a middle/high school for next year. Here’s a super sneak peek of some of our video testimonial stars.

Screenshot of Compass Testimonials

Spruce Up Team

Image for Upcoming Open House flyer

Main Phone Line 1-802-428-3868

Compass School , 7892 U.S. 5, Westminster, VT, 05158, United States

The Compass Connector for 2/12/25

Quick Links: School Schedule Weekly Menu Donate Here

A Note from the Leadership Team

2025 Silent Auction flyer

Fundraising is in full swing here at Compass. To continue supporting our students' education, we are hosting a fundraising event, an Online Auction, that will run March 3rd - 17th. This auction is a vital source of funding that allows us to fulfill our mission.

The Online Auction will be one of the highlights of our fundraising this year. We are reaching out to you to see if you might be interested in donating an exciting item or experience.

We’re particularly interested in securing various items such as gift certificates, dinner for two, movie tickets, a weekend away, spa treatments, lift tickets, artwork, and experiences. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Most importantly, you will have the satisfaction of supporting the Compass School that is making a real difference in our community.

We understand your time is valuable. To learn more about our school and discuss this event, please don’t hesitate to contact Hilary. She would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Please contact Hilary no later than February 24th to confirm your auction item donation. But there’s no need to WAIT to make a financial donation! Simply use the button below.

We are trying to connect with Alumni through our social media pages: Please follow and like posts on Facebook and Hilary's new Instagram page. Please send us pictures for "Throwback Thursdays"


The Leadership Team & the Board of Trustees

Help us Secure the School for the 2025/26 School Year!

Donations in any amount help! Please consider donating in honor of an alumni, a current student, or to commend a staff member.

Share your Compass story by:

  • emailing your written testimonial HERE


  • filming a short video testimonial on your phone or computer HERE

The Top 5 Reasons I Love Winterm

by Louise Hudson

1- We get to give to the community. Over the years I have been a part of so many fun projects with different community partners. I have made puzzles for the Grafton Nature Museum, shelving for Putney Community Cares, and a Gaga pit for Putney Central school. One year we even worked serving food in Alstead food pantry after a flood. 

2- It is a mixed age group. Throughout the school we ask kids to step up and be leaders. This is true for an eighth grader in their classes with a seventh grader who may be struggling. But during lunch and free times kids naturally fall into friend groups. During winterm those groups can be mixed, and similar interests yet different age groups work together. I enjoy the mixing. It is also a mix of staff and adults. I work with teachers I don’t always partner with, and often parents. Parents are such a gift in these projects. Driving or adding to a project you are familiar with is such a community gift. 

3- The schedule is more relaxed. We let go of classes all together and are able to focus when needed and take breaks when we can. Letting go is a lovely freedom. The kids are also allowed to be picked up at 2:15. This is not a must- they can do something fun from 2:25-3:15 that we will offer but the projects will close at 2:15.

4- Our founding Director Rick Gordon used to always call these days, “real world learning.” Kids are doing work that could become a profession. It also teaches them the patience one needs to stick with a project and all its parts until completion. 

5- We all get to share a different part of ourselves. I don’t always get to do theater, Hanah can show us her woods, and we can have time to focus on different subjects, like fundraising. 

Those are my five. I hope your student has a great time the week of February 24-28! We are looking for drivers to take groups off campus. Would you like to run a service activity from 2:15-3:15? Contact Gabe if you are able.

Celebrating Arts Awards

Congratulations Raisa & Elbe!

At Compass we love to celebrate and support artists. We’re thrilled to share that Raisa Wentworth (12th) and Elbe Hubbard (10th) received Scholastic Art and Writing Awards! Raisa’s photograph received a Silver Key Award, and Elbe’s two paintings and illustrations received Honorable Mentions. These will be displayed at the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center from February 14 to March 8. Above is a picture with Raisa on the left and Elbe on the right.

Local Student Scholarship Opportunity

by Benny Holder

Rotary logo

The Ludlow Area Rotary Club is seeking applicants for our 2025 scholarship awards  We invite your school to encourage eligible students to apply for this scholarship, which provides financial assistance to help them achieve their higher education goals.  Graduating seniors who reside within our service area of Ludlow, Plymouth, Cavendish, and Mt. Holly, VT are eligible to apply.  Please find attached the scholarship application form and guidelines. The deadline for submission is May 1st, 2025.

If you are interested in applying please email Cara for the contact information and forms to be completed.

For those who live in other areas, make sure to check out your town’s local Rotary Club or similar organizations. You never know when there might be a scholarship for someone like you!

Alternatively, you can check out tips for finding and applying for scholarships at this link!

Digital Production Media Course Opportunity

For many years Compass sent students to the Audio/Video production course at River Valley Technical Center. Lack of transportation has made it a challenge to access these career building courses. Great news! RVTC has launched a Digital Production Media program  that is fully online! It's for any student who wants to get into the field of Digital Media.

The River Valley Technical Center is offering an online half day program through their Career Technical Education Model. They will provide you with everything you would need for the class (Computer, Microphones, Camara, Lights, etc). You would be able to do your work from home or Compass! In addition you can get Art, English, and Elective Credits on top of learning more about a potential career you are interested in.

Applications are open for the 2025/26 school year.

Governor’s Institute Applications Open

It’s amazing to think that we are only three months away from the beginning of the summer and applications are opening up for extended learning opportunities during the summer months. The Governor's Institute of Vermont has been supporting students' learning for over 40 years. Applications are open for their eight 2025 programs! Pick from the arts, sciences, or technology based tracks. There is a nominal student’s participation fee families pay, while financial aid through GIV is available to apply towards a sliding scale tuition. The deadline to apply is March 31st, 2025.

UPDATE - No Cookies Tomorrow. Cookie sales will resume on March 6th.

Know a family looking for a unique middle and high school experience?

Share this link to schedule a tour today!

On the Calendar - Winter 2024

  • Thursdays: Winter Sports - Dress warm and check the newsletter for ski & ride updates. If you’re going to the mountain, please pack your own food!

  • School Closing Information - Reminder to check WCAX school closings for delay and closing updates.

  • February Break 17th - 21st - Enjoy the snow!

  • Winterm (Winter Service Term) - Feb. 24-28

  • March 3rd - No School Teacher Inservice Day

  • March 4th - No Classes - Student Led Conferences - Watch your email for more information from your child’s advisor.

  • March 5th - First day of Trimester 3

Taber’s Valentines Joke Corner

Q: What did one plate say to the other on Valentine’s Day?

A: “Tonight, dinner’s on me.”

Q: If you were a triangle..

A: You’d be acute one.

Q: What did the pickle say to impress his Valentine?

A: I’m kind of a big dill!

Main Phone Line 1-802-428-3868

Compass School , 7892 U.S. 5, Westminster, VT, 05158, United States

The Compass Connector for 1/29/25

Quick Links: School Schedule | Weekly Menu | Donate Here

A Note from the Leadership Team

We are inspired by the momentum created by the fundraising campaign Compass School launched this month. During this month of January 2025, there have also been lots of headlines and Presidential executive orders that elicit mixed emotions here closer to home, across the country and the world.

In light of these changing times, the Leadership Team (Kendra, Gabe, Louise, Sandra and Lyssa) alongside the Board of Trustees, want to take this opportunity to articulate where we as a community stand on these issues. From its inception, Compass School was founded on the belief that students and their families are welcome and valued individuals who are each the threads that weave together this learning community. We will continue to honor, respect, and celebrate all of your identities. We recognize the qualities that make us the unique individuals that each of us are. All belong here. Each student and their family are important.

This is not a political stance, this is our belief as humans and it will not change. Compass School is proud to be leading a human-centered culture of learning. We are dedicated to making sure everyone in our community feels safe, supported, and empowered to be their authentic selves.

Thank you for being a member of this community and for embracing these core beliefs.


The Leadership Team & the Board of Trustees

Parent & Community Meeting in Review

Image of the Compass Community meeting on January 27

It was amazing to see so many faces in the building on Monday night. It nearly felt like a pre-Covid Compass gathering!

Compass families, board members, staff and community members came together to share a delicious meal and brainstorm fundraising ideas to help sustain the school for the 2025/26 school year.

Throughout the evening people went to ‘support stations’ to share testimonials. Some went old-school, writing what they loved about Compass. Stop and read the collection on the entranceway wall next time you are in the building!

Others went new-school, filming a short (minute or less) video testimonial.

For those of you who were unable to join us, we invite you to share your story by either:

  • emailing your written testimonial HERE


  • filming a short video testimonial on your phone or computer HERE

At one point in the evening Christine, our board chair, said, “Collectively we are all stronger than we are individually”, and it’s true. It will take ALL our voices, stories, families, friends, and community connections to spark this fundraising effort.

➡Couldn’t make the in-person meeting? No problem! Join us on Zoom, Monday February 3rd at 5pm to have a conversation with Compass board members about fundraising efforts and plans for the 2025/26 school year. 

From the Students of the Compass News Team

This week we’re sharing our Compass School testimonials with you. This school means so much to all the students!

Image of the Compass News Team

L-R: Dechen, Taber, Carter, Benny (Not Pictured: Carter)

“There are many things I love about Compass School that have made me want to stay until graduation. I love how there’s a big focus on art; in most of the main classes, like humanities, students do a variety of different artistic projects that showcase both knowledge and creativity. The community is very welcoming to people of all sorts of backgrounds, identities, and interests. The community is also rather small, which gives more opportunities for meeting and getting to know students of other ages, which is a really good thing.”

Dechen D. Bloom (Compass student of six years - graduating in May)

“As a Compass student I love how Compass’ small tight-knit community allows teachers to be more invested in individual student’s needs. Teachers can assist students on a more person-to-person scale with their academic and personal needs, which is a welcome change from larger schools where it might not be possible for teachers to be as involved. Compass also provides a wonderful variety of food every single week. It’s always a treat to eat breakfast and lunch at the Compass School. 

I plan to help Compass by volunteering to assist our teachers during the Winterm projects. It requires a lot of setup to do these kinds of service projects, and I would love to help!”

Taber M. Fagan (Compass student of four years - graduating in May)

“I appreciate compass for what I am able to do. I love being able to do what I love, if I was not going to compass I would not be able to take all the classes that I want to do. This helps me feel more excited to go to school, which a lot of kids are not feeling so much anymore. I think the small and friendly atmosphere helps kids be able to be themselves and thrive. It lets me be able to set myself up for the future and helps me as a learner stay focused. That's why I think compass is the best fit for me. Just being able to have the freedom to learn what I am interested in fits me the best!

I plan to help compass by making a donation to them and telling my family and friends about how amazing of a school this is and I have looked for grants/foundations that might be able to help out the school.”

Carter W. DeCoste (Compass student of five years)

“I love just about everything about this place—the community, the open-mindedness, the food, I could go on and on. But one of the things I love most about this amazing place is how everyone actually cares about you, not just your grades—though those are also still important. I honestly think I learned better and MORE in my first two years here than I did in six years of public elementary school. As of writing this, I’m about halfway through my fourth year here and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier! I doubt I’d be anything like the person I am today if I had stayed in the public school system, and, I’ll be honest, a part of me doubts I’d still be in so much as decent mental or physical health. This place has changed my life for the better, and I hope you’re willing to contribute however you can—whether it be through donation, spreading word, or something else—so that I and so many more like us can come here and thrive in a way that public schooling could never allow.”

Benny E Holder (Student of four years)

I choose to come back to Compass every year because I have a genuine connection with my teachers. Their unwavering support creates an environment where I feel safe to express my thoughts and challenges. I can approach a teacher without worrying about being judged or misunderstood if I struggle with something. This open communication fosters trust and encourages me to seek help when needed, allowing me to thrive academically, personally, and socially.”

Jacksyn A. McCallister (Student of 4 years)

Compass Tours

Sign up for a Compass campus tour

Do you know a family looking for a unique middle and high school experience?

Share this link to schedule a tour today!

On the Calendar - Winter 2024

  • Thursdays: Winter Sports - Dress warm and check the newsletter for ski & ride updates. If you’re going to the mountain, please pack your own food!

Main Phone Line 1-802-428-3868

Compass School , 7892 U.S. 5, Westminster, VT, 05158, United States

How Can I Help Compass? (January 2025)

“Collectively we are all stronger than we are individually”

Compass families, board members, staff and community members came together on January 27 to share a delicious meal and brainstorm fundraising ideas to help sustain the school for the 2025/26 school year.

In light of these changing times, the Leadership Team alongside the Board of Trustees, want to take this opportunity to articulate where we as a stand as a community stand . From its inception, Compass School was founded on the belief that students and their families are welcome and valued individuals who are each the threads that weave together this learning community. Each student and their family are important. We encourage you to click, download, read, and consider from the list how you can help Compass School sustain for today, and the future.

Add your voice or words to ours

Send us a financial contribution

The Compass Connector for Wednesday, 1/22/25

Quick Links: School Schedule Weekly Menu Donate Here

Re-Enrollment Questionnaire Still Open!

Will your child be returning to Compass next year? Please help us by filing out this three question form even if the answer if you’re not sure of your plans.

The Spectacular 802 Opportunity Program!

By Taber Fagan

Interested in FREE college? Then I just HAVE to tell you about the 802 Opportunity Grant offered by the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC). It is a program funded by the Vermont Legislature which enables families earning an income of $75,000 or less the opportunity to attend the Community College of Vermont (CCV) absolutely tuition free!

We have a Compass School student utilizing a branch of this program, who coincidentally is one of my dear friends. Alex DiMarino is using the program to take a variety of courses at CCV. And, after seeing him thrive in this program, I myself plan to apply. I would love to see more Compass School students attend college with me, because it is a wonderful opportunity!

The deadline to apply for 2025/26 is February 12th. You can read more details about this program in the link below!

Community Theatre Opportunity

by Carter DeCoste

Main Street Arts in Saxtons River, Vermont helps bring theater to younger actors. They are putting on a play called “Once in the Time of Trolls” for youths ages 9-14. The rehearsals began Jan 5, and the play shows on March 7 and 8. The play is a comedy that folds together classic Norwegian folktales. Nicolas and Althea (pictured above) two eighth graders from Compass School, are in the show. Luna (a 10th grader) is serving as the stage manager. And they are looking for more volunteers. 

  • Light board operator: which would be running the light board for both shows, this does not need any experience.

  • Sound board operator: this entails doing the sound for both shows as well(No experience necessary).

    If you want to know more about singing up or about the play as a whole you can contact their theatre coordinator Putnam Smith.

Compass Classrooms in Action

by Zoey Perry

This trimester, about half of the 11th and 12th graders are taking a science class on anatomy. Last week, students worked in pairs dissecting sterilized owl pellets and counting the bones found in them.

Hanah, one of our newer teachers, comes in daily to teach this anatomy class. We had a Teacher Feature a while back about her in the newsletter.   

The big picture reason for teaching anatomy is that not many people know how their bodies work and how to care for them. Hanah grew up with a medical mom and knows how much this matters.

She’s planning on teaching us a unit on Emergency Medicine; learning what to do and expect in an emergency. Also practicing bandaging and the patient assessment system.

She wants to do more hands-on dissection and fun games from other schools and maybe even field trips towards the end of the year.

Lunch & Learn - Special Interest Group

by Jacksyn McCallister

Magic the Gathering is a card game that involves strategy, skill, and sometimes being mischievous. We have a pretty large group that plays magic, about 13 kids, who mostly play during lunch and sometimes breakfast. Magic is a game that brings together our community. Prior years had about 5-6 people playing magic and now we have double that. We welcome new players even if you have no experience with the game. If you are interested in learning magic come to Bryan’s room during lunch!

On the Calendar - Winter 2024

  • Thursdays: Winter Sports - Dress warm and check the newsletter for ski & ride updates. If you’re going to the mountain, please pack your own food!

  • Monday, January 27th @5:30pm - Parent & Community Information Meeting. Potluck Dinner and Critical Conversation

Main Phone Line 1-802-428-3868

Compass School , 7892 U.S. 5, Westminster, VT, 05158, United States

Community Potluck Dinner on Jan. 27

On Monday, January 27th, Compass will be hosting a Potluck Dinner and visioning discussion about the future of the school community. All are welcome. We will begin at 5:30pm.

Cher will provide us with desserts and drinks, but we ask that everyone bring a main dish or a side to contribute so that we can share food and discussion together as a community.

For more information see the Note in the Wednesday, 1/15/25 Compass Connector email to parents and students.

The Compass Connector - Wednesday, 1/15/25

Quick Links: School Schedule Weekly Menu Donate Here

Winter Sports Reminders & Updates: How it’s Been and How it’s Going

by Taber Fagan

Last week, many students went skating, studied hard in study hall, or attended other various outdoor activities. The general consensus among the students is that winter sports is a fun break from the school schedule and a nice way to enjoy the brisk weather.

Skiing & riding begins tomorrow! It was scheduled to start last week, but due to high winds, it was sadly cancelled. We are excited to head to Mt. Snow! Reminder to dress warm. Besides the skiing update, all other winter activities will continue as scheduled.

Please note: If you have your own, or have rented skiing equipment, you can conveniently leave it in Brian’s classroom for the season.

Parents - Please fill out the Re-enrollment Questionnaire!

Thank you to those who did this last week. We’d like to hear from the rest of you. Will your child be returning to Compass next year?

Please help us by filing out this three question form even if the answer is no.

This Just In - Senior Plans and Celebrations!

by Dechen Bloom

It’s that time of year when Seniors start to prepare for what they’re going to do after graduation. We have 12 people graduating this year at the end of May, and are excited to share some of their plans for their future.

  • Torin (far left) is planning to study engineering at the Vermont Technical College.

  • Owen has applied to Elon University in North Carolina and Temple University - the Tokyo, Japan campus.

  • Nevaeh (not pictured) has been accepted to Keene Beauty Academy and has decided to attend it.

  • Taber is taking advantage of the 802 Opportunity grant at the Community College of Vermont.

  • Dechen has been accepted to Keene State College. He is waiting to hear back from a few other colleges, but will likely attend KSC.

  • Lola (not pictured) has been accepted to and will attend Keene State College

  • Morgen has been accepted to University of Vermont, Vermont Technical College, and Keene State College. He is waiting to hear back from a few more before deciding.

    Congrats to all our seniors! Keep us informed as you make decisions beyond Compass. We want to celebrate with you as you head to college or the workforce.

Community Circle: January’s Theme

by Jacksyn McAllister

This month's community circle theme is centered around music. Music has brought people together for hundreds of years and thanks to apps like Spotify, Pandora, and Apple, music is accessible to everyone, at all times.

Lou and Brian are leading the conversations about what music means to us, how we use it in our daily lives, and what a tool it can be for communicating our feelings.

Brian runs the morning karaoke wellness group and […] Lou also teaches the music ELO on Mondays. He loves to see people sing who may not be confident in front of other people. He believes that having fun while singing is all that matters and that you leave with a smile on your face.

It’s been so fun to listen to students and teachers from our community get up and share their voice with us this month!

Breaking News!

by Benny Holder

As of 9:17 AM this morning, January 15th, 2025, the pepper puzzle has finally been completed! After almost half a decade, Rachel’s puzzle has finally been finished for the first time, thanks to the help of many individuals in the community.

On the Calendar - Winter 2024

  • Thursdays: Winter Sports (dress warm!)

  • Cookie sales on hold until Feb. 13th

  • Monday 1/20 - NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Main Phone Line 1-802-428-3868

Compass School , 7892 U.S. 5, Westminster, VT, 05158, United States

The Compass Connector for Wednesday, 1/8/25

Quick Links: School Schedule | Weekly Menu | Donate Here

A Note from the Head of School

Welcome Back.  Happy New Year!

Yesterday, when I walked through classes, I was inspired by Rachel’s lesson on latitude lines and climate.  Meanwhile Gabe was giving a lesson on the three branches of government and what is happening right now in Washington D.C.  Ryan was discussing with students how Buddhist philosophy recommends coping with the emotion: anger; and right next door to Ryan’s classroom students were singing during music appreciation.  Always a pleasure to see learning in action.  Kudos to our staff for teaching so many relevant topics. 

Two important details regarding schedule to communicate:

First, on Monday, January 13th and Tuesday, January 14th, some staff will be completing a Restorative Practices training online.  The school day will run as normal, yet there will be different adults covering certain classes after lunch so that the teachers can log in and participate in this virtual training.  This course is being taught by the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP), more information about that graduate school is available here:  Restorative Practices is the framework Compass School uses for responding to matters of discipline.  Building upon the school’s longstanding commitment to educating the Whole Child, Restorative Practices is designed to put the students at the center of the learning process.  Purposefully, the point is to engage all parties in dialogue and shift the punitive feel to discipline that I’ve observed in other school settings.  I will be participating in this training as well, and I am looking forward to the positive growth Restorative Practices will continue to bring to our culture of teaching and learning. 

Next, with this specific announcement, I invite all to take it as a kind reminder to get check ups with your family physician as needed.  Thanks to a routine check up a few months ago, I am able to get in front of a medical matter and live a healthier life long term.  That being said, the procedure I need to undergo means that I will be taking medical leave from January 29th through March 4th. Closer to the date of this extended absence, I will communicate more about protocols and who is responsible for what during my medical leave. With so much to do in the next two weeks, I wish to communicate this detail today so that all are in the know and aware of my upcoming change in availability, especially during  the first two weeks of my absence.  I will work remotely as much as possible.

Compass School is fortunate to have a robust Leadership Team, which consists of Gabe Allen-Fahlander and Louise Hodson as Assistant Heads of School, Sandra Stromberg as Director of Student Services, and Lyssa Singleton as the Director of Business Operations.  2025 has arrived, and Compass School is off to a great start. Wishing you all a very healthy and happy new year. 

Be well,


Winter Sports Begins

**Important Updates - Please read**

Our winter sports season begins Jan. 9. Every Thursday we will have a group of skiers/boarders, skaters, and students who stay at Compass for outside adventures.

Ski & Board at Mt. Snow - This program begins NEXT Thursday on January 16th. As a result of the frigid temperatures and intense windchill our program start date has been delayed. Sign up for this program closed in the Fall. There are no more spots available. For tomorrow: please dress in layers for warmth as you’ll be outside after lunch! Bring a hat, gloves, and maybe even extra clothes in case you get cold or wet.

Skating in Brattleboro - This program begins tomorrow! Skaters need to have returned a signed bright yellow permission slip with a $20 payment for the season. Please pack water, lunch and snacks for the afternoon. Skaters leave Compass at 12:10pm. Students can be picked up at 2:15 at the rink or return to school for a regular dismissal time.

Staying at Compass - Yes! We will spend much of the afternoon outside doing fun, wintery, activities with (or without) snow. Please dress in layers for warmth! Bring a hat, gloves, and maybe even extra clothes in case you get cold or wet.

Re-enrollment Season is Approaching

Will your child be returning to Compass next year? We know it seems like a long way off, but budget planning for the next school year is already underway and we'd like to hear your family's plan so we can get a rough look at 2025/26 numbers.

Please help us by taking two minutes to fill out this three question form and we hope to see you all back in September! 

Giving Day in Review~Your Editors Favorite Moments

Image of Santa

Carter’s Favorite Moment

“My favorite Giving day moment was, coming into school and seeing Santa.”

Image of Dechan's gift

Dechen’s Favorite Moment

“This was one of my favorite Giving Day gifts! It’s small and compact, while also being very creative and full of stuff to look at.”

Cookie Fundraiser Returns in February

Do you look forward to the selection of homemade goodies at pick up every Thursday? We appreciate all your support and want you to know that cookie sales are on a break and will resume in February.

We will resume on Thursday, February 13th.

Mark your calendars to buy a sweet treat for your sweetheart!

On the Calendar - Winter 2024

  • Thursdays: Winter Sports (dress warm!)

  • Cookie sales on hold until Feb. 13th

  • Monday 1/20 - NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The Compass Connector for Wednesday 12/18/2024

Quick Links: School Schedule | Weekly Menu | Donate Here

A Note from the Head of School

Kendra Rickerby

This week is the 7th and 8th graders Presentation of Learning.  I am always so impressed by their poise and thoughtfulness when speaking from a podium.  A big shout out to Gabe, Brian and Rachel for coordinating so many meaningful learning opportunities for middle school age students.  

Likewise, last week’s Yuletide Market reflected this staff’s dedication to build community and celebrate the holidays.  The live music was so much fun. It was great to see and hear Ron, a former teacher here,  Aaron, the father of an alum, and Lou, the parent of two alumni and one current student perform !  WOW!  That jam session was bar none worth the price of admission.  I hope we can have more festive celebrations in the months to come.

On Monday, January 13th and Tuesday, January 14th, some of our staff will be taking a Restorative Justice Training Session.  Completion of that professional development learning will certify our staff in facilitating what I view as “rupture and repair” (the title of a podcast a friend recently referred me to). Ultimately with this Restorative Justice training, we seek to strengthen community and expand perspectives.  Know in advance that on Monday, January 13th and Tuesday, January 14th, there will be project-based opportunities and a different daily schedule.  

We are two days away from December break.  Students return on Monday, January 6th.  Staff will be here the Friday prior.  Yet, please know this is a two week vacation from school.  I hope students have their reading lists and some good movies to watch.

Wishing you all a very healthy and happy holiday.  The next Compass Connector will be in the new year.  25 years into the 21st century, I hope you all have a happy new year too.

Be well,


Compass in the Winter

This stunning photo was captured by Dechen Bloom just before the Yuletide Market began.

Fundraising Event was a Great Success!

By Dechen Bloom

The Yuletide Market last Friday was a big success! People came from around our local communities and ranging from nearby towns as far away as Connecticut! Vendors sold crafts such as paintings, soaps, hats, shirts, and much more.

Former Compass School teacher Ron Bos-Lun came to play music on his guitar, and a few Compass School alumni also came to visit.

There were also some delicious breads, soups, cookies, and cakes made by Cher, as well as s’mores by the bonfire outside. Thank you to all who attended! We raised $1,322 dollars for the Junior class trip and other school field trips.

Former Compass School teacher Ron Bos-Lun

Reminder: Giving Day is This Friday!

by Benny Holder

Image for Giving Day

Hello, Compass community! Just a reminder that Giving Day is just two days away! Finish up your gifts, prepare to give, and we’ll see you on Friday, December 20th for gift-giving and festivities! We encourage you to think about how you’ll present your present.

Also, prepare yourself for other Giving Day activities:

  • Gather those clothes you never wear for the clothing swap!

  • Warm up those vocal chords for caroling!

  • Flex that artistic ability by making some cards!

  • Prepare yourself for some Broomball!

  • Spruce up that pine tree by making some custom ornaments!

Winter Break Dates: Monday 12/23/24 - 1/6/25

We hope you and your families have a wonderful break filled with travel, celebrations, and memory making. Please remember that our first day back to school is Monday, January 6th.

Winter Sports Begins in the New Year

by Taber Fagan

Exciting news! Winter sports begin after our holiday break. A lot of people are excited about winter sports, but we’ve been waiting for confirmation on when they start. Winter sports are starting on Thursday, January 9th, and will be continuing until February 13th. Many students are excited about skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating but there will be other winter related activities happening at Compass for the rest of the community. Depending on the weather we might go sledding, play broom ball, or build a snowman!

So get excited! Get pumped! It’s finally winter!!!

New Teacher Feature Meet Hannah Labarre!

By Carter DeCoste and Jacksyn McCallister

Image of Hannah LaBerre

Hannah is a new teacher at Compass who joined us in Trimester 2. She teaches 11th &12th grade Anatomy at Compass and helps Rachel with her math workshop class. Hannah wanted to become a science teacher because she grew up with fantastic science teachers and had a mom who worked in the medical field. Hannah has taught social studies, physical education, and art and was a cross-country coach. She is also a co-advisor for Rob’s 9th-grade advisory. 

Like most of our faculty, Hannah has many outside hobbies, including jogging, canoeing, swimming, art, and baking. Hannah came to Compass because she had previously worked at another smaller school and she thought Compass would be a good fit. She also had a connection to our community because she knew Louise and said she was a strong woman who she remembered from all those years ago. We welcome Hannah to the Compass faculty team and are excited to have her in our community.

On the Calendar - Winter 2024

  • Thursday, 12/19 - Middle School Presentations of Learning (POLs)

  • Friday, December 20th, Giving Day

  • Winter Break: 12/23 - 1/5

  • Monday, January 6th - First Day Back from break

Compass Connector for Wednesday 12/11/2024

Compass School logo

A Note from the Head of School

Kendra Rickerby

Hope to see you all this Friday night’s the Yuletide Bazaar.  This is a fundraiser for travel and other field trips.  Speaking of fundraising, we’ve launched this year’s fundraising push and will be doing more in the months to come.  

If you haven’t already please make a video, no more than 30 seconds. To help get you started with this video, consider using these prompts: 

(1) share your favorite thing about Compass School 

(2)  tell us about how your life has been impacted by Compass School

(3) explain an important lesson Compass School has taught you. 

Once you’ve recorded this video, please upload it here:
Can you help us locate some alumni?  Do you know anyone who has graduated in the past 23 years?  If so, would you please email their contact information, including email, mailing address and phone number to

Another way to help with this fundraising cause is to assist in helping us network new donors.  Do you know anyone who has stocks to donate?  Donating stocks can help avoid capital gains.  Compass School welcomes being the recipient of stocks. We also welcome meeting with anyone who is interested in investing in the future of education here at Compass School. 

Please share my email address and the school mobile number: 802-428-3868 with any business or community member or potential donor.  

All these fundraising efforts will be put toward operating costs for next year that includes bolstering our bucket of financial aid resources. 

Looking forward to Giving Day next week on Friday, December 20.  In the meantime, here is a link to Compass School’s website, with a donate button included at the top of each page. 

Be well,


Inclement Weather Reminders

Bad weather image

Winter is here! The snowy and icy weather has begun to make its way through the Northeast. Wondering if we have school? There are three ways that you can find out.

  1. Check your email. You’ll receive an email from Kendra either the night before or in the early morning.

  2. Check your texts. You’ll receive a text from the main Compass phone line. Put this number in your contacts so you won’t miss it. 802-428-3868

  3. Check the internet. We report closings to WCAX online. Bookmark this page and look for Compass School on the list.

Compass’ Holiday Bazaar is This Friday!

Yuletide Market flyer

Compass is a focus on family school and we have a festive family event this Friday, the 13th from 5pm to 9pm. Please come to the Junior classes Yuletide market and Winter family celebration. There will be artisans and crafters to finish your holiday shopping, Cher’s homemade food and live music. There will also be a room showing a movie where your kids can relax while you enjoy dinner and shopping. Then join us for s'mores around the bonfire. This is a fundraising event for the Global Connections program and the Spring 2025 Junior class trip to Puerto Rico.

Presentations of Learning are Next Week!

An Invitation to attend from The Middle School advisors

Brian, Gabe, and Rachel

Middle school students have begun working on preparing their Presentations of Learning (POLs). Students will share their work during school on Wednesday, 12/18 or Thursday, 12/19. The presentations ask students to share about themselves and reflect on the school year so far.

We strongly value and encourage parent/family attendance, and hope there is a time that works for you to join us for your student's presentation. They typically last 5-10 minutes with a brief Q&A afterwards. 

Please follow this link to view available times and reserve one for your student: POL Signup

We hope you can join us as we celebrate each student's growth! Please reach out to us with any questions you may have.

Landmark College Announces Summer Skills Transition Program

by Dechen Bloom

Next summer, Landmark College in Putney will be hosting a few different programs designed to help soon-graduating students be more prepared for college. It’s an opportunity to get a feel for what college life is like ahead of time and learn how to improve on helpful skills like memory, organization, motivation, reading, and writing. For options, there’s a 5-day online boot camp as well as two different on-campus programs. Financial aid is available to qualifying students. More details about the many Summer 2025 options HERE.

Senior ‘Teacher’ Feature

By Carter DeCoste and Jacksyn McCallister

Image of Morgen Parker-Houghton

This week we feature Morgen Parker-Houghton. While a senior at Compass, he is also a teacher here. Morgen is a teaching assistant in Rob’s Algebra 1 class and his students enjoy learning from him.

While Morgen TAs for Algebra 1, he is also part of our Dual Enrollment program with CCV. He’s completed college level classes including precalculus, calculus, statistics, and will be taking physics in the spring semester.

Outside (and inside) of school Morgen likes to play Magic the Gathering and enjoys mountain biking.

When Morgen grows up, he wants to be an engineer. He’s applied to a number of colleges and has started receiving acceptances. Morgen’s hoping to get into and attend his first choice, Skidmore College.

Holiday Events Out and About

By Taber Fagan

There are tons of fun events happening this weekend around the southern Vermont area! You better get pumped cause this weeks gonna be an action packed experience!

In Brattleboro: This Friday will be one of (if not the) last Gallery Walk. It will be happening this Friday, December 13th. From firsthand experience, I know that this is a fun event where you can get your Christmas shopping done.

In Keene: The Outdoor German Holiday Market will be happening this Saturday in Keene, NH on December 14th; this Saturday. Fellow columnist Carter DeCoste has informed us that this event is a traditional celebration of German culture and history, so make sure to stop by! 

That’s all the big events happening this weekend in Southern Vermont. Next week, there might be more Christmas centered events, so stay tuned!

On the Calendar - Winter 2024

  • Every Thursday - Juniors sell soups, bread, cookies, brownies & T-shirts for their Global Connections Trip!

  • Friday, December 13th, Compass’ Yuletide Market, 5pm - 9pm

  • Wednesday & Thursday, 12/18 & 12/19 - Middle School Presentations of Learning (POLs)

  • Friday, December 20th, Giving Day

  • Winter Break: 12/23 - 1/5

  • Monday, January 6th - First Day Back from break