A Note from the Head of School
This past week contained festive Halloween costume competitions and a brilliant performance by the Sitkovesy Trio. Here is a link to their exceptional music. I was proud of how many students were riveted by the live performance as well. Music brings communities together, so does the spirit of a holiday.
The humor that came with the Halloween costume concert was much appreciated too. Ann Croxson, Compass School’s Humanities teacher, found herself aligning with the scary costume category because the ripple effect of certain legislative matters can be scary. (see her in costume below!)
The day after Halloween, on this past Friday, November 1, I went to Ann’s 9th and 10th grade Humanities calls to play the role of President. Ann was teaching a unit on how bills become laws. Ann’s class was divided into a team of Senators and Representatives who had proposed bills with improvements to our learning culture in mind. The bills ranged from mandating diagnostic math assessments to finding a quiet space for students to recalibrate their emotions to building a swing set to guaranteeing access to courses that teach them strategies for responding to a classmate whose emotions are disruptive to the community. Ultimately, classmates want to learn how to redirect their peers, the desire to develop such interpersonal skills reflects self-awareness and is what makes me most proud to be leading Compass School alongside so many exceptional educators. Not only was Ann’s instructional pedagogy topnotch, the fervent conversation and passion in the young minds attending Compass School gives me hope.
Today, when I dropped by Gabe’s class there was talk of how the Electoral College works and what to expect in the days to come, as ballots for the next President of the United States gets counted. I noticed this poster pictured below in Gabe’s room.
Truly Compass School’s educators, their commitment to relevant and interactive teaching practices, distinguishes this community. For the past 25 years of its existence, Compass School’s logo has promoted: learning, community, democracy, and direction. Last night, Ryan and Rob hosted an election night coverage activity. No matter the outcome of the November 5, 2024 election, focusing on learning, community, democracy, and direction are wise strategies for ensuring today’s youth continue to have access to the exemplary learning I am seeing in Compass School’s classrooms.
Thanks for being a part of this community.
Be well,
“President Rickerby” signing & vetoing bills
College Day at Landmark College & Keene State College
On Friday, November 8, the freshman, sophomores and juniors will be touring Landmark College and Keene State College. Whether college is their direct path out of high school, or not, getting a feel for the college experience is an opportunity we provide annually for all high schoolers. In fact, many seniors will be touring colleges that day were they plan to apply!
Inside Compass: Double Teacher Feature
by Dechen Bloom
Lou Sr. and Louie, father and son, are both working at Compass School this year.
Louie was a six-year student at Compass and graduated in 2024. He really enjoyed the community and learning style, especially the focus on mindfulness, so much that he wanted to continue being a part of the community after graduation. He keeps track of computers and is a “co-advisor” of the 9th grade. He enjoys working here, and he hopes to get more involved in the mindfulness realm in the future.
Lou Sr. is Louie’s father. He worked in retail and customer service for most of his life, and wanted to start working here because he was looking for a change. He was delighted when he was accepted. He says working here has been much more rewarding, and he feels like he has much more of a purpose. He is currently a teaching assistant/student support, and he looks forward to expanding his role in the future.
Lou Sr. and Louie in the Computer Lab.
Award Opportunity for Artists
By Lola Saccardo
Do you remember buying books at the Scholastic book fair every year? Did you know that the Scholastic company also has a non-profit side supporting students who are artists?
The scholastic art and writing awards are a great opportunity for high school students. If you're interested in this opportunity contact Hilary for more information and to sign up. Participants may be awarded scholarship money and a chance to show their work at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. They are accepting visual arts and writing entries. The deadline to enter is December 16th.
Meet Your New Student Council
By Jacksyn McAllister and Carter DeCoste
The Compass School has recently reintroduced our Student Council. One important value at Compass is Democracy which is why we followed due process nominating students and then listening to their speeches. We voted by advisory for each grade representative and council member. They meet every Service block on Tuesdays. Their goal is to support the community by designing agreed upon rules for the whole student body to keep our safe and fun learning environment intact. They also plan to revise the student handbook. The students in the Student Council are as follows: Shepherd 7th, Liam 8th, Max 9th, Maddie 11th, Riesa 12th, and our three ‘at large’ representatives are Maddy 8th, Jason 11th, and Fiona 12th.
On the Calendar - Fall 2024
Every Thursday - Juniors sell cookies, brownies & T-shirts for their Global Connections Trip!
Friday, 11/8 College Day for Compass Students
Monday, 11/11 NO SCHOOL - Veteran’s Day
Friday, 11/22 - LAST DAY of Trimester 1
Thanksgiving Break - 11/25 - 11/29