Compass announces Open House events in April

Compass Open House banner image

With the fall enrollment already underway, here’s your opportunity to experience the Compass School first-hand in April by joining us at an upcoming Open House.

Come to the School and meet the staff, the teachers and current Compass students with their families to learn about our outstanding high school and middle school programs. There are two dates in April with each offering a separate Compass experience.

The dates and details are listed below, and to Sign-up to attend one or both Open House events, click here or the button.

Open House Dates and Details

Saturday, April 1st -- Come anytime between 9am-12noon. Coffee/Tea/Pastries/Refreshments served.  Tour the school, meet some teachers, and learn about Compass.

Thursday, April 8th -- Come anytime between 4:30-7:00pm.  Dinner served!-- Soups/Bread/Desserts.  Meet current Compass families, teachers, and students. Tour the school and learn about our programs.

If you have questions on the enrollment process click here, or email to

Auction Winners! Thank you!

Thanks again to all who participated in our (very successful) online auction and raffle!

If you won an item, it is available for pick-up in the Compass office. Remember too, you can always support Compass year-round by visiting Contact us for more information at

As a 501(c)(3) educational institution, The Compass School thrives on the support of our community to achieve its vision for establishing a learning-centered, personalized, flexible, and transformative school system.

This Week at Compass

This Tuesday March 21-- Compass students and teachers will attend a musical at Bellows Falls Opera House during school day

On Tuesday March 21 we will attend a special showing of the musical Urinetown presented by the Wild Goose Players at the Bellows Falls Opera House. The musical is the winner of three Tony Awards and two Obie Awards. A hilarious and touchingly honest musical satire, “Urinetown” occurs during a devastating water shortage brought on by a 20 year drought. The funny and entertaining show is also a dark eco warning of a dystopian future.

On Tuesday March 21 we will have a special school day schedule that will include brunch at 10am, then attend the show downtown at 11am, getting back to school for exploratory service groups and a 4pm dismissal.

Upcoming Schedule and Events:

  • March 21-- students will attend musical at BF Opera House during the school day

  • March 27-- juniors/seniors leave for their trip to Spain!!

  • April 8-17-- April vacation

  • May 17-19-- Spring school trips (middle school tentatively to Burlington; high school to Cape Cod).

Upcoming Lunch Menu:

Mon 3/20. Teriyaki Chicken

Tue 3/21 Brunch-Theater Trip

Wed 3/22 Shepherd's Pie

Thu 3/23 Baked Ziti

Fri  3/24 Pizza

Act now: The Spain Trip auction and raffle is live until Monday March 20th at 12 noon!

Visit to make your first or final bid for the Spring Auction!

The auction and raffle ends on March 20 at noon.

Thank you to all who worked on each Fundraiser for our Spain Trip including the Bingo Nights!

Kudos to all the many people who helped run these events and who donated to them! We are in good shape to send our group to Spain-- they leave on March 27th!

Reminders for the Week of March 6 - 9

Upcoming Schedule Reminders:

  • (tomorrow) Tuesday March 7-- Town Meeting Day-- No School

  • Wed. March 8 -- 4th Quarter Begins -- Regular Wednesday schedule

  • Thurs. March 9 -- Winter carnival and variety show in the afternoon of Thursday March 9th (see details below!)

  • Fri. March 10-- Regular Friday school day

Thursday March 9th-- school day includes a winter carnival, followed by a variety show-- families invited!

This coming Thursday March 9th, we will finish our school day with winter carnival outdoor games (2:15 pm - 3:30pm) followed by a performance of the Winterm play at 3:30 pm, and an open mic variety show 4pm-5pm.  The school day officially goes until 4pm, but we hope that lots of students can stay for the variety show until 5pm. 

Families are invited to come to the play and variety show, and you are welcome to perform in the variety show open mic. Email Eric if you would like to get onto the open mic schedule.

Tentative schedule for Thurs. 3/9:

8:15am-2:10pm-- regular school day classes

2:15pm-3:15 pm-- winter carnival games

3:30pm-- Play performance (families invited if you can make it)

4pm-5pm-- Open mic / variety show (families invited if you can make it, and you are invited to perform)

The Compass 2023 Spain Trip Fundraiser Starts Today

We are pleased to announce
the online auction is now live!

Every year, 11th graders at Compass support their education by traveling internationally. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this will be our first trip since the Spring of 2019. Because trips like these are life-changing experiences, Compass is committed to offering this opportunity to all juniors and seniors, regardless of their ability to contribute financially. Staff, students, and families raise money to ensure that the trip is available to all.

Thanks to your support, in March 2023, the junior and senior class at Compass School will travel to Spain for 2 weeks. The students and teacher chaperones have chosen this destination based on research and have been working hard to plan an exciting and safe travel experience. This is a unique opportunity for our students to visit another country, learn to be travelers, and appreciate life in a new culture.

With this auction, bid for items from categories that include:

  • Sponsor a Cultural Experience

  • Books

  • Gift Cards

  • Jewelry Experiences

  • Health and Wellness

  • Art

  • Entertainment

  • Food & Wine

  • Fashion and more!

We are also doing a raffle for a African Drum, and for a Glass Blown Art Piece by Randi Solin.

Thank you so much!

Compass Newsletter for Thursday, March 2

Excellent Winterm Service Learning Projects so far this week!

We have had a great start to Winterm service projects this week! The school has been alive with purposeful interdisciplinary, hands-on work! Students are experiencing and practicing different sets of skills than in traditional classes, working to plan, organize, and implement service projects in a team setting-- projects addressing authentic needs in our community and in our school. This year, we have groups working on the following: 

  • Researching and archiving records at the Bellows Falls Historical Society.

  • Helping with painting sets and tech work at the Bellows Falls Opera House.

  • Preparing an online fundraising auction to raise money for the upcoming Spain trip.

  • Recording audio books for use in classes.

  • Bringing a storytelling performance to numerous daycares and elementary schools in the area.

  • Looking at school strategic planning, and visiting other progressive schools in the region.

  • Redecorating and sprucing up Compass School.

  • Building carpentry projects for Putney Central School (gaga pit, shelves) as well as working on preparing an RC car exploratory class.

  • Working on addictions education and public outreach, creating an educational graphic.

  • Preparing and performing a play based on an original script.

Students have been hard at work with these service projects!

Upcoming Schedule and Events!:

  • March 2,3,6 --  last 3 days of  Winterm Service Learning. Dismissal during Winterm is 2:15... study hall available until 4pm for those who want/need to stay, please alert the office.

  • Tuesday March 7-- Town Meeting Day-- no school

  • Wed. March 8-- 4th Quarter Begins -- regular Wednesday schedule

  • Thurs. March 9-- winter carnival and variety show in the afternoon of Thursday March 9th (see details below!)

  • Fri. March 10-- regular Friday school day, but we will have a visiting educational performer-- Tim Collins-- running workshops on pro-social behavior with our students-- 10am with high school; 12:30pm with middle school.

  • Mon. March 13-- begin 4th quarter afternoon exploratory classes

  • Thurs. March 16-- Bingo Night!  6pm-8pm

  • March 21-- students will attend musical at BF Opera House during the school day

  • March 27-- juniors/seniors leave for their trip to Spain!!

  • April 8-17-- April vacation

  • May 17-19-- Spring school trips (middle school tentatively to Burlington; high school to Cape Cod).

Thursday March 9th-- school day includes a winter carnival, followed by a variety show-- families invited!

This coming Thursday March 9th, we will finish our school day with winter carnival outdoor games (2:15pm-3:30pm) followed by a performance of the Winterm play at 3:30pm, and an open mic variety show 4pm-5pm.  The school day officially goes until 4pm, but we hope that lots of students can stay for the variety show until 5pm.  Families are invited to come to the play and variety show, and you are welcome to perform in the variety show open mic. Email Eric if you would like to get onto the open mic schedule. So here is the schedule for Thurs. 3/9:

8:15am-2:10pm-- regular school day classes

2:15pm-3:15 pm-- winter carnival games

3:30pm-- Play performance (families invited if you can make it)

4pm-5pm-- Open mic / variety show (families invited if you can make it, and you are invited to perform)

Online Auction and Raffle-- Spain Fundraiser -- will be Live March 6th-20th!!

Our auction team is busily preparing an online auction and raffle to raise money for our Spain trip. Items available for bidding will include a beautiful African drum, an overnight stay at Grafton Inn, an AirBnB cabin stay, a diamond ring, gift cards to local businesses and restaurants, handmade items, art, a discounted trip to Tanzania, and more!  Watch for separate announcements soon with the link to the auction site. When you get it, be sure to pass it on the friends and family!

The auction group is still accepting any last-minute donations of items-- if you have items to donate to our auction, please email liz.jackson@compass-school.  (Does anyone have a connection to maple syrup to donate to the auction?) Thank you!

Next Bingo Night will be Thursday Mar. 16th at 6pm-8pm-- Fundraisers for our Spain Trip

Ongoing thanks to all who are attending our bingo nights. Invite your friends, neighbors, and colleagues-- all welcome. Come enjoy the fun, and even win some money! Food and drink will be available for purchase as well. Proceeds support our global connections fund, helping our juniors and seniors travel to Spain. 

Applications Open for Governor's Institutes-- summer programs for 9th/10th/11th graders

The Governor’s Institutes of Vermont offers a variety of fun, immersive, one or two week residential summer learning programs for 9th/10th/11th graders hosted at college campuses all over the state. Each Institute focuses on a unique area of interest, and has a different location and dates. Explore each Institute’s page to learn more about the unique aspects of each Institute!

GIV offers generous financial aid and works with every family to make it affordable. We have had many Compass students attend these summer institutes, and they are outstanding! Application deadline is the end of March. See Eric for questions.

Drivers Education offered in Putney this summer

Unfortunately the teacher who has done drivers education classes at Compass in the past is not able to offer one this year. His name is John Tribuna, and he is offering a summer class in Putney. Follow this link for more information, and to register.

Give Back Where it Counts program at Shaw’s gives money to Compass!

For the month of March, if you buy a $3 reusable shopping bag at Shaw’s supermarket in Walpole, they will give $1 to Compass!

Upcoming Lunch Menu

Thu 3/5 Fajitas

Fri  3/6 Meatball subs

Mon 3/6 Chicken Alfredo

Tue 3/7 No School

Wed 3/8 Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad

Thu 3/9 Chinese Chicken

Fri  3/10 Pizza