Compass Families: Soup and Conversation-- this Thursday 4/6 -- 4:15pm-7:00pm
We would like to invite you to another after-school Compass community "Soup and conversation" day on Thursday April 6th -- 4:15pm-7:00pm. (Thank you Cher!!) There will be soups, bread, and desserts available. Come have some dinner and join in casual conversation.
In combination with this event, we will invite guests to come to this as an "open house"-- area families and students who would like to learn more about Compass.
**It would be wonderful if those of you attending soup and conversation can also meet and connect with guests (“Open House”) and help welcome them to our school.
Hope to see you there!
April Open House—this Thursday 4/6 -- 4:15pm-7:00pm
Thursday during family soup and conversation-- please spread the word, bring a neighbor, etc. Here is a link to the event on our website: Compass Open Houses Pass it on!
Compass Juniors and Seniors having a great time in Spain, and Morocco!
Our group of 16 Compass juniors and seniors along with 3 teachers and 2 additional adult partners continues to have a great trip. They even made a day trip via ferry to Morocco! (Some pics below.) Today they went to Bolonia and Vejer during their continued exploration of the southwest coast of Spain. They fly back on April 6th. See the pictures here.
Education Bill Updates
The Vermont House passed by a voice vote H483 (a bill on independent school oversight), and the bill has moved on to the senate. I will send out a separate email to families about this-- please become educated and consider contacting your state senators --and ALL state senators-- to advocate for your views on this.
For those in the Windham district:
Senator Nader Hashim (who is on the senate ed. committee)
Senator Wendy Harrision
For those in the Windsor district:
Senator Alison Clarckson
Senator Dick McCormack
Compass welcomes NEW office manager
We congratulate Lyssa for diving into a new career path, and words can’t say enough to thank her for her amazing service to Compass and the love she spreads throughout our community.
Lyssa writes:
“I have come to a point in my life where I decided to become something totally different when I "grow up". I have recently availed myself of the opportunity to become a fitness trainer at our local Westminster Fit Body Boot Camp. I am so excited for the new challenge of teaching and the chance to step away from the computer screen and work my body more instead. I want to inspire others to take control of their health and live their best lives. I will continue to support Compass during the transition to our exciting new office manager, Pauline O’Brien-- one who I would very much have loved the opportunity to work with myself-- along with our new head of school.”
Lyssa will be in the office through April 14, and will be consulting/supporting us during the spring. Thank you Lyssa!
And we are very pleased to welcome Pauline O’Brien as our new office manager. Pauline will start on April 3rd. Pauline has most recently served as the Town Clerk for the town of Westminster. She has many years of experience in educational administration, including working at Vermont Academy as the assistant to the head of school as well as doing college counseling and other organizational responsibilities, and working at the Grammar School doing development and marketing. We are so excited to welcome Pauline to the Compass family!
Upcoming Schedule and Events:
April 8-17-- April vacation
Monday April 17-- teacher inservice day
May 17-19-- Spring school trips (middle school tentatively to Burlington; high school to Cape Cod).
Upcoming Lunch Menu: