Compass Newsletter for April 3-7

Compass Families: Soup and Conversation-- this Thursday 4/6 -- 4:15pm-7:00pm

We would like to invite you to another after-school Compass community "Soup and conversation" day on Thursday April 6th -- 4:15pm-7:00pm. (Thank you Cher!!) There will be soups, bread, and desserts available. Come have some dinner and join in casual conversation.

In combination with this event, we will invite guests to come to this as an "open house"-- area families and students who would like to learn more about Compass.

**It would be wonderful if those of you attending soup and conversation can also meet and connect with guests (“Open House”) and help welcome them to our school.

Hope to see you there!

April Open House—this Thursday 4/6 -- 4:15pm-7:00pm

Thursday during family soup and conversation-- please spread the word, bring a neighbor, etc. Here is a link to the event on our website: Compass Open Houses Pass it on!

Compass Juniors and Seniors having a great time in Spain, and Morocco!

Our group of 16 Compass juniors and seniors along with 3 teachers and 2 additional adult partners continues to have a great trip. They even made a day trip via ferry to Morocco! (Some pics below.) Today they went to Bolonia and Vejer during their continued exploration of the southwest coast of Spain. They fly back on April 6th. See the pictures here.

Education Bill Updates

The Vermont House passed by a voice vote H483 (a bill on independent school oversight), and the bill has moved on to the senate. I will send out a separate email to families about this-- please become educated and consider contacting your state senators --and ALL state senators-- to advocate for your views on this.

For those in the Windham district:

Senator Nader Hashim (who is on the senate ed. committee)  

Senator Wendy Harrision

For those in the Windsor district:

Senator Alison Clarckson

Senator Dick McCormack

Compass welcomes NEW office manager

We congratulate Lyssa for diving into a new career path, and words can’t say enough to thank her for her amazing service to Compass and the love she spreads throughout our community.

Lyssa writes:

“I have come to a point in my life where I decided to become something totally different when I "grow up". I have recently availed myself of the opportunity to become a fitness trainer at our local Westminster Fit Body Boot Camp. I am so excited for the new challenge of teaching and the chance to step away from the computer screen and work my body more instead. I want to inspire others to take control of their health and live their best lives. I will continue to support Compass during the transition to our exciting new office manager, Pauline O’Brien-- one who I would very much have loved the opportunity to work with myself-- along with our new head of school.”

Lyssa will be in the office through April 14, and will be consulting/supporting us during the spring. Thank you Lyssa!

And we are very pleased to welcome Pauline O’Brien as our new office manager. Pauline will start on April 3rd. Pauline has most recently served as the Town Clerk for the town of Westminster. She has many years of experience in educational administration, including working at Vermont Academy as the assistant to the head of school as well as doing college counseling and other organizational responsibilities, and working at the Grammar School doing development and marketing. We are so excited to welcome Pauline to the Compass family!

Upcoming Schedule and Events:

  • April 6 (Thursday) 4:15-7:00pm -- Compass Family Soup and Conversation (and Open House)

  • April 8-17-- April vacation

  • Monday April 17-- teacher inservice day

  • May 17-19-- Spring school trips (middle school tentatively to Burlington; high school to Cape Cod).

Upcoming Lunch Menu:

Mon 4/3 Chicken fajitas

Tue 4/4 Burgers

Wed 4/5 Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad 

Thu 4/6 Chicken filet sandwich

Fri  4/7 Pizza

Important Dates and this Week's Lunch Schedule

Mark your calendar:

  • April 6 (Thursday) 4:15-7:00pm -- Compass Family Soup and Conversation

    • We would like to invite you to another after-school Compass community "Soup and conversation" day on Thursday April 6th -- 4:15pm-7:00pm. (Thank you Cher!!) There will be soups, bread, and desserts available. Come have some dinner and join in casual conversation.

      In combination with this event, we will invite guests to come to this as an "open house"-- area families and students who would like to learn more about Compass. It would be wonderful if those of you attending soup and conversation can also meet and connect with guests and help welcome them to our school.

      Hope to see you there!

  • April 8-17-- April vacation

  • May 17-19-- Spring school trips (middle school tentatively to Burlington; high school to Cape Cod).

Lunch Menu for the Week of March 27-31

Mon 3/27: Chicken Pot Pie

Tue 3/28: Italian Sausage Subs

Wed 3/29: Pasta & Red Sauce with Meatballs

Thu 3/30: Stuffed Chicken Breast

Fri  3/31: Build Your Own Subs

Changes coming to the front office of Compass in April

Special thanks to Lyssa Singleton and best wishes!

With the start of April and the spring season, the staff ub the front office is changing. Lyssa Singleton is diving into a new career path, and words can’t express enough our thanks to her for the years of amazing service to Compass, and the love she spreads throughout our community. We wish her the best and we know she will remain a friend and supporter of Compass.

From Lyssa:

“I have come to a point in my life where I decided to become something totally different when I 'grow up'.  I have recently availed myself of the opportunity to become a fitness trainer at our local Westminster Fit Body Boot Camp.  I am so excited for the new challenge of teaching and the chance to step away from the computer screen and work my body more instead.  I want to inspire others to take control of their health and live their best lives.  I will continue to support Compass during the transition to our exciting new office manager, Pauline O’Brien-- one who I would very much have loved the opportunity to work with myself-- along with our new head of school.”

Compass to welcome new Office Manager on April 3

We are very pleased to welcome Pauline O’Brien as our new office manager. Pauline will start on April 3. Pauline has most recently served as the Town Clerk for the town of Westminster.

She has many years of experience in educational administration, including working at Vermont Academy as the assistant to the head of school as well as doing college counseling and other organizational responsibilities, and working at the Grammar School doing development and marketing.

We are so excited to welcome Pauline to the Compass family!

Education Bill H483: VT House vote on the bill scheduled this Wednesday.

Debate on Vermont House Bill 483 concerning funding for independent schools that accept public tuition has been very active, and a vote in the full house has been pushed until this Wednesday. House members have received a lot of input and resistance from advocates of school choice in tuitioning towns. Some proposed amendments have softened a few of the provisions, but overall the bill remains a big threat.

Let's keep the pressure on... we need to push back against policies that threaten schools like Compass.

It seems that some in the legislature and in the public debate are grouping schools like Compass (which have open, nondiscriminatory enrollment, special education, and a high level of low income families) with private schools that tend to be selective and serve higher income families. 

We need our legislators to hear about the ways Compass provides an important educational choice in our region, and how we need to refrain from creating policies that will squeeze out schools like Compass.

We invite all in our community to reach out immediately to our House legislators and urge them to vote "no" on H483:

You can use the following tool to look up your representative(s) and click on their names to view them in the state’s legislative directory.

You can also leave messages for individual lawmakers by dialing the Statehouse switchboard at 802-828-2228. Give the lawmaker’s name, say you are a constituent and ask for your message to be delivered to them.

Eric Rhomberg
Compass School

Compass announces Open House events in April

Compass Open House banner image

With the fall enrollment already underway, here’s your opportunity to experience the Compass School first-hand in April by joining us at an upcoming Open House.

Come to the School and meet the staff, the teachers and current Compass students with their families to learn about our outstanding high school and middle school programs. There are two dates in April with each offering a separate Compass experience.

The dates and details are listed below, and to Sign-up to attend one or both Open House events, click here or the button.

Open House Dates and Details

Saturday, April 1st -- Come anytime between 9am-12noon. Coffee/Tea/Pastries/Refreshments served.  Tour the school, meet some teachers, and learn about Compass.

Thursday, April 8th -- Come anytime between 4:30-7:00pm.  Dinner served!-- Soups/Bread/Desserts.  Meet current Compass families, teachers, and students. Tour the school and learn about our programs.

If you have questions on the enrollment process click here, or email to

Auction Winners! Thank you!

Thanks again to all who participated in our (very successful) online auction and raffle!

If you won an item, it is available for pick-up in the Compass office. Remember too, you can always support Compass year-round by visiting Contact us for more information at

As a 501(c)(3) educational institution, The Compass School thrives on the support of our community to achieve its vision for establishing a learning-centered, personalized, flexible, and transformative school system.